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Summits with the Rapha Cycling Club are the highlight of our members’ riding calendars. Together, we descend on the world’s greatest cycling destinations to explore roads seldom ridden in stunning mountain settings.

RCC Summit Sierra Nevada,2018年5月11日-14日


01 February 2018

From palms and pines to snow-lined climbs, Sierra Nevada is favoured training ground of many a professional rider but remains relatively undiscovered. In May 2018, members from chapters around the world gathered in Spain’s southernmost province for a memorable weekend of riding. We take a look back here.

For details of the RCC’s upcoming adventure at the next Summit in Taiwan, see below.

Rapha Cycling Club Summit Wuling

Summits with the Rapha Cycling Club are the highlight of our members’ riding calendars. Together, we descend on the world’s greatest cycling destinations to explore roads seldom ridden in stunning mountain settings.