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Rapha - What the pros are saying


不同於其他的車服廠商,我們職業車手們比賽所穿的車服也可供您選購:不做劣質的復刻版,只有世界級的性能與舒適度。在古典賽贏得重大勝利,在世界最大型的比賽中拿下單站冠軍,跟俱樂部的車友們一起騎車 – 都是同一套車服。

24 July 2020

Over the coming days, riders from EF Pro Cycling and CANYON//SRAM will pin on numbers for the first time this year. So ahead of their respective race debuts in Italy and Spain, we caught up with members of each team for their view from the road – how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, and what they’re looking out for.


Strade Bianche, 1st August

“I’ve really missed racing with the team, and to return to one of my favourite races after the break couldn’t be more perfect. It’s hard to predict the form of other riders but I’m determined to fight for a podium finish. The race is usually in March, so the uneven gravel sectors will feel completely different to last year. Despite this, my mind and body feel refreshed and recharged – it’s easier to go harder, to feel the pain in your legs.”
– Kasia Niewiadoma

EF Pro Cycling

Strade Bianche, 1st August

“It will be the first time for me at Strade Bianche, so I’m not just excited to be back racing, I’m also excited to attack the infamous white roads. All the training and hardships of the last few months will be put to the test in what I think will be one of the most beautiful ways to kick things off again. We are finally getting underway!”
– Mitch Docker


Strade Bianche, 1st August

“The most challenging part is the longest gravel sector; every year the biggest selection is made there and on the top usually there are strong crosswinds. You need very good form and legs to survive it. Then, the real race starts.” "The best chance is for us to have one rider that goes solo. I think it is the best way to enjoy the super hard and steep finish! We will have a strong team and will embrace every chance throughout the race."
– Elena Cecchini

EF Pro Cycling

Strade Bianche, 1st August

“Nothing about this year is normal, so it’s all about adapting to the current situation. While that’s been tough at times, this sport has always forced us to prepare for anything at any given moment. Personally, I’m very excited to race Strade this year and hope that the heat plays to my advantage. After training in Texas during the summer and being in Spain I feel about as prepared as I can be. I’m definitely excited to get the season restarted and really hoping that we can go forward as planned.”
– Lawson Craddock


閱讀下列全文,以進一步瞭解EF Education First Pro Cycling的車手們所最常穿戴的頂級性能裝備 - 我們今年將贊助提供給車隊以賦予其在各種地形環境的賽場上都能攻無不克的競賽優勢。

EF Pro Cycling Pro Team Aero Jersey

專為比賽日所打造 - 能在比賽時展現出差之毫釐、贏之千里的空力優勢。這件2020年車隊版車衣不是一般的復刻版,而是跟EF Pro Cycling車手在最高等級的比賽中-從密謀逃脫到終點線前的衝刺-所穿的一模一樣的車衣。正面的平滑面料和背部的紋理面料能將風切阻力降到最低,以確保每一分力都能轉化成速度。背部衣片的精緻材質具有導向絨毛-朝一向摸手感光滑平順,朝另一向摸則感覺到毛絨絨的粗糙,以此提供更強的空力優勢。而且我們已有頭戴冠軍桂冠的車手勝績實證;這件車衣已被穿著站上了Ronde賽 – 公路車運動的紀念碑與最經典的法蘭德斯石板路賽之一 – 的頒獎台頂端。


Hugh Carthy, EF Pro Cycling

EF Pro Cycling Pro Team Flyweight Jersey

這件超輕量車衣是在炙熱天氣下騎長距離平路以及三大世界巡迴賽的高山站和各大巡迴賽的上上之選,此款已被穿著出賽贏得環西賽與巴黎–尼斯賽單站冠軍。這件車衣也經得起GBDuro極限耐力賽長達一週的嚴酷考驗;在去年6月第一屆的比賽中由Lachlan Morton日復一日地穿著騎向冠軍之路。網布的網格結構在炎熱的天候下展現出絕佳的散熱效果,而背部的另一種面料則提供了防曬係數UPF40的防曬保護 – 適合在高溫炎熱的天候下進行比賽穿著之完美衣選。


EF Pro Cycling Pro Team Bib Shorts II

比賽日時的唯一佳選。歷經測試與考驗,這件贏得石板路古典賽冠軍並在三大自行車環賽中贏得單站冠軍的連身車褲。經EF Education First Pro Cycling車手穿著出賽一整個賽季,這件連身車褲在舒適度與性能上皆為極致上乘之作。幾過多年無數次的改良和重新設計,我們的最新版被調整的恰到好處,具備競賽優勢之外還極為耐穿,經得起職業車手群在比利時石板路上跟阿爾卑斯山峰上大亂鬥時的磨耗。


EF Pro Cycling Long Sleeve T-Shirt

我們不光只設計生產贏得比賽、震撼全世界的自行車服飾。在沒騎車的時候,這件柔軟的中等厚度純棉T恤是您放鬆休息的完美衣選 – 適合賽後在飯店裡休息放鬆時穿,適合搭巴士前往比賽起點時或甚至是去檢錄時穿。


Men's Canyon//SRAM Pro Team Aero Jersey

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Men's Canyon//SRAM Pro Team Training Bib Shorts

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EF Pro Cycling Women's Pro Team Aero Jersey

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EF Pro Cycling Women's Pro Team Bib Shorts

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